Month: November 2006

  • b3a16376ashley and josh broke up again...proper this time, theyre not taking a break...leigh ann wont take the bathroom survey
    it makes me sad...cuz she wont tell me whether shes a stander or a sitter or whether she double a crumpler, an inspector, and a sitter but im not a double dipper...i ordered caps and gowns for my graduation and ive been callin people and getting addresses to send out invitations...please dont interpret the invitation as a "send me money and presents, please" sending it to people who mean a lot to me or who did at some point...just people who i want to send it to, just so that they will have it, even tho i dont think a lot of them will come since theyre mostly kingsport people with no liscence and lazy-ass parents...but really, if i send u an invitation, that means that i just want u to have it because ur a good friend or u mean something to me or did at some point and people who just had some influence on my life...even if u didnt know it

    EVDO is coming to kingsport on November 30th...that means that people with Verizon Vcast phones will be able to watch TV on their phones after that day...i have tried it out in charlotte before and its really cool...its amazing, fucking tricities moving beyond the realm of farm equipment and holy bibles...Windows Vista comes out for bulk puchase on November 30th too...of course Vista wont reach hillbilly land for another decade yet...then OS X Leopard is coming out in 2007 Q2...this is a big year for geeks like me

    im gonna be going to ETSU next year...i really wanted to get away from this area...but i got a scholarship for Tennessee schools and when i looked at the computer science departments at other colleges in tennessee, none of them even compare to ETSU's computer science department...which really surprised me...u would think there would be more geeks around here considering how close we are to what appears to be the best geek school in Tennessee...but then it is still Tennessee..."home sweat home to me" (with a southern accent)...but anyway, despite all my bitching, i am really excited about next year...i actually dont expect my first year or so to be all that great but i cant wait till i get to where im takin only computer gonna go into the prob jus gonna sign up for the new dorm unless anyone has any suggestions?

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